Remember to log out after completing your print/copy job, or your account can be accessed by the next person to use the machine. As long as you make one impression before that time, the account will remain open indefinitely. All general public accounts expire, and any funds associated with them, after 60 days of inactivity. If you forget your password, you will need to go back to the original email you received, which provided your username and password. Payment is handled through online accounts accessed by usernames and passwords. First, you must create your own PrintSmart account to use these devices. McMaster University provides all users with public photocopiers which offer copying, printing and scanning services. When connecting wirelessly, make sure you go through Mac-WiFi or use the McMaster's VPN.
Click Print Options and Account Selection.Click Submit a Job and choose your print settings.
Login to PrintSmart and click Web Print.The first time you swipe, you will be asked to create a pin number. Swipe your ID Card on any public photocopier, check the print settings, and release your document.Add funds to the Retail Operations balance on your McMaster ID Card.